Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Borough Market: Bad Pad (Thai)

Today we were told to try something new at the Borough, I decided to try Pad Thai since I have always wanted to, and that was a bad idea. I don’t know if it was this vendor or if it was the sauce, but the food smelt like dog food and I just couldn’t get over it. The food tasted fine, but once I get stuck on a smell it is very hard for me to get passed it. So I ate enough, and moved on. Next I got some tiramisu cheesecake, absolutely delicious, and some ice tea. Made that pad thai much better. Then I saw a juice place and couldn’t help myself, fresh juice is a weakness of mine. It was apple raspberry, very very scrumptious. Then I came back to hotel to take a nap, since I stayed up a bit late watching Britain's Got Talent. Once I woke up Landan, Megan, Jamie, and I went to a very big book store where I tried to get a coffee but I didn't realize it was a espresso shot and when the baristria handed me the smallest cup I thought I got the wrong size until she explained that I could get it in latte form or espresso form. The more you know. I also got a book called The Psychology of Time Travel which is a crime novel, very excited to read it while on this trip. Then I stopped at a shop because I was craving watermelon and went back to the room, ate, and face timed one of my best friends Hannah for a bit. Tonight I plan to watch the finale to Britain’s Got Talent because now I'm invested and need to know who is gonna win, this comedy singer or these magicians.

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