Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Packing: How I Did The Impossible Also Day 1

So, I am going to be in London for a month and I think the biggest question is "How are you going to pack for that?" let me tell you, it is not easy. I started packing on Tuesday which might seem excessive but I wanted to make sure that 1. I wasn't wearing the clothes that I would be wearing this week and 2. I can change my mind and re-think everything if needed. I always suggest not packing for big trips the night before, it is just too stressful and you are more likely to over/under pack. Londons climate is quite different from the climate in Arkansas. Around this time of year, we tend to wear shorts and flip-flops and go swimming in the lake. Not where I'm going. The highest it is going to be while I'm there is probably 70 degrees (I'll let you know if it gets hotter than that) and I do have some shorts just incase, but I am mostly packing jeans and nice tops. I am even packing a couple of jackets and a cardigan. We go and see a few shows later in the evening and we will be outside so it most likely will be chilly. Another aspect that I have to consider is that it is going to be very rainy while I am there. Of course I have the cutest yellow rain coat which I will be bringing, but one must consider ones shoes when you are going to be in rain for a month long. This aspect might frighten some people, and they would be frightened to bring white shoes, well not me baby! White shoes are a big part of my wardrobe, so they are a must, and thank you to the check out lady at Jc Pennys who boosted my ego as I was checking out and told me my shoes were "popping", it was very much appreciated. My lovely mother helped my pack and we seperated my clothes by first week and second week, and halfway through I plan to do laundry, and then start the process again. Shoes had to go into my gray backpack and some bathroom stuff in my small purse/backpack thingy. My luggage was really heavy, it definitely was over fifty pounds and I had to pay to check it, so I couldn’t pack like shampoo, body wash, and other stuff like that so I do have to go buy that kind of stuff tomorrow. I brought some travel stuff so I can survive till tomorrow. Packing wasn’t too difficult since I started early, so I highly suggest doing that, but also I tried to pack my bathroom stuff and weigh my luggage at like eleven the night before I left which was stressful so don’t do that, bad idea.

It’s the big day, it is day one of this month long journey! I woke up gave my parents a hug goodbye and went into the airport, where I stood in line, stood in another line, then stood in more lines once we reached Dallas, but nonetheless, I made it! As I am laying in my bed writing this, It doesn’t feel real yet. We got on our coach and saw some of London while driving, but as the voices on the coach got silent, I had a feeling everyone was jet lagged and falling asleep. We got to the hotel and I threw my stuff down, shoes off, then got into bed and proceeded to sleep for an hour or so. I then headed down stairs for our first adventure of this trip. I’m going to be 100% honest with you, I have never sweated that much in public unless I was working out. We went into what Londoners refer to as “the tube”, it is their subway system, and let me tell you it is 800 degrees on that thing. I was wearing a sweatshirt as a shirt which was a bad idea. On a good note though, Shawn was correct, it is not that hard to get through. Could I do it on my own with no help as this moment, no, but could I after a couple of tries and getting lost a lot, yes. I give it a total rating of 4/5 stars, the only downfall is how hot it is in there. Once we got off, Shawn then showed us to a discount ticket booth for shows. I don’t think anyone bought any and we all agreed without saying anything that tonight we were going to just eat and go to sleep so we had full energy for tomorrow. We walked and saw a few different theatres, and got lunch. We wanted a burger, and saw the Shake Shack while walking around and thought that it looked really good, so once released, we hightailed it over there. I should have taken a picture of my first meal, it was amazing, but I was so hungry that I wanted nothing more than to eat. As we were eating, we experienced our first run in with pickpockets. Sadly, they took one of our group members phones and we didn’t notice until it was too late. This was lesson well learned to us and that is do not leave your stuff on the table or the ground where others could possibly get it while we are here. Then I came back to our little room and slept and can’t wait to go back to sleep! Funny story: my roommate and I took a nap for a little bit and when we woke up it was still light outside and she thought it was the next day. She was getting dressed and talking as if it were the next day. I was talking about going down to this pizza place for dinner and she was like “for breakfast?” and I went “do you know what time it is?” and she said “9 something?” and I went “am or pm?” to which she responded “am?” and I said “No, it is still Tuesday” to which she responded with “I’m putting my pajamas back on.” I think we can say that jet lag is a thing.