Saturday, May 25, 2019

Day 3 and 4: Combination of days
I just slept for the longest time and I was definitely not in ship shape. No matter how much you travel, jet lag will always be a thing. I am writing the start of this blog at like one in the morning. We are gonna go see the tower of London tomorrow and the crown jewels. Day three on the other hand wasn't as exciting as I believe day 4 will be, so I decided to combine the two days and get some rest. Now day three was originally supposed to be almost like a free day. We had class in the morning, and then we could do as we pleased the rest of the day, but the schedule got moved around and we explored the southbank today, this required a lot of walking. I didn’t know about the schedule change until breakfast and I had worn the wrong shoes. I now have big blisters on not the back of my heels, but the bottom of my feet. Gross right? But you live and you learn. So we took the wonderful, eight million degrees, tube to the St. Pauls stop and walked across the millennium bridge (there you go mom) to the south bank. We saw the Globe theatre, but didn’t explore, we do that another day. Then we walked across the south bank and then split to get food. Well most decided that they wanted a sit down lunch, but not Jamie and I. There was this cute bar and burrito place, and we decided that was where we wanted to eat. It was so good! The pork burrito was kinda spicy, but really tasty and I definitely enjoyed it 9/10 want to go again! Jamie and I then just sat and talked, her and I have never really talked during school, but we had such a nice time getting to know each other and exchanging stories. Sitting outside listening to the music in the shade kinda made me realize, this is me studying abroad in London. We then tried to tackle the tube by ourselves, and we did it! There was a lot of looking at the map, a lot of second guessing, and definitely a lot of turning around, but we found our way. We thought we would go down to the hotel bar with a few others and play cards, but at that point my feet were hurting so bad, I just needed to stay off of them for a while, I am definitely wearing different shoes tomorrow. I also haven’t really slept a full amount of time due to jet lag, so I fell asleep and woke up at 1 AM so I could write what I was planning on writing earlier. Now I am going back to sleep so I can have a fun day tomorrow.

Day 4: Tomorrow or Today
Tower of London! What a time! I was really excited about this adventure and I was not disappointed. First we went to the bloody tower with Shawn and it was so interesting. The exhibit talked about how the two sons of Edward the fourth mysteriously disappeared and they are believed to have been murdered at the Tower of London since that is the last place they were seen, then a specific tower was renamed “the bloody tower” due to the belief that it was their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was the one who murdered the two boys. They found a box years later with small skeletons in it buried on the grounds and in the 1930s they did testing and found out it was two boys bodies, the bodies were buried in Westminster Abbey where they remain today. Another interesting site was the torture room. Very small and only included three form of torture, the manacles which hung your arms above your head and you can't put them down, the rack which stretches you out, and the scavenger's daughter which crushes you to death. Finally this is where Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII second wife, spent her final days and was executed. Arrested in May of 1536 she stayed at the tower until she was executed there by sword after staying there for only seventeen days. There were so many steps and the views were all amazing. You could walk from tower to tower seeing all the places where they fought off intruders and even where they kept their animals. Probably one of the biggest exhibits is the crown jewels! They were so pretty and they have so much history that it was amazing just to stand so close, sadly i couldn't take any pictures of them, but they were stunning. Then I went shopping at this grocery store nearby, Went back to the hotel room and four of us joke around until it was time to go to dinner. We were planning on going to this pizza place, but it was crowded and expensive, so the food trucks next door were the option. I got this four different kinds of pasta bowl which was absolutely amazing! Then we went and watched a show call Rutherford and Sons which is one of the shows we read in class. In all honesty I really did not enjoy the show. It was boring, it was three hours long, and the plot line is very confusing if you haven't discussed it prior to seeing the show. 2/10 not again. Oh, I also saw the cutest dog and he just came right up to me and let me love on him, it was great! I then came home and immediately fell asleep! I was exhausted and a bit sunburnt! Now that I have had plenty of rest, and I believe over jet lag, we have our first official free day, and we are gonna go see the London eye, and Women in Black which will be very interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you took some shorts, you took warm weather with you!
