Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Intro Post:
Hello everyone, as most of you might of guessed I am going to be studying abroad in London this summer. I plan to document most of the trip on this, hopefully, amazing blog. Not only do I plan to write about the academic aspects of this trip, but all the adventures, food, drinks, and funny things that happen while on this trip. To start out this blog, I would actually like to talk about what I will be wearing. Funny story, as most know Holly Ward is my mother, and has told me I can not wear the clothes I wear almost everyday to class because most of my shirts have holes and my shorts are years old, and/or not really mine and I have kinda just kept them (sorry if you are looking for your shorts). So I plan on wearing outfits that I never really wear and I would like to share them with who ever decides to follow along. I hope some of you look forward to an OOTD since I will be posting most of what I wear. I will write about the plays that we are going to see, and my thoughts on them. Fair warning, I am a harsh critic, I will tear shows to pieces if I didn't enjoy them, and praise shows as much as I can if I did. I will have good and bad in both, but you will 100% be able to tell how I feel. Also I plan to see shows that I don't have to write reviews on, but I do plan to at least say how I felt about them, because why not? I hope that whom ever decides to read this, enjoys my trip, and all that I will be documenting. I plan to take lots of pictures of all the amazing places that we get to go and all the amazing things we get to do. Also, if my classmates don't mind, I am sure that we will have many funny times and hope to bring a lot of our humor to my writings. Starting on May 20th my whole life will probably will be documented here.


  1. Hope You have a Wonderful Time with a Lifetime of Memories. Have Fun and Enjoy the Food. Love You

  2. Looking forward to reading about all your adventures!!
