Friday, May 31, 2019

Regions Park and Our Town
Last night we went to Regions Park to see Our Town written Thornton Wilder. Regions park was full of beauty with their roses in full bloom. When we got there we went to a restaurant to eat, but I brought a whole loaf of bread and made peanut butter sandwiches. The we played many card games as we tried to hold them down while the wind attempted to steal them from us. Then we decided to explore the park and climbed a few trees. Then we went to see our town. I was not impressed. We walk in and the scenery is already throwing me off. They had stadium sitting with stuff on it and I thought those were special seats for audience members, nope they chose to put those seats there for the show. Most people who do this show do chose a very minimalistic setting, but it was almost as if they were making it look as if they don’t care. When the actors entered the only one who looked uniformed was the stage manager, the rest of them were wearing clothes that they would wear almost everyday, but then they would add bits a pieces at certain points and it almost threw you off because if you are going to have a non realistic set why randomly add realistic clothes? They did use the stadium seating, but I almost wish they would have just kept the seats they needed and got rid of the rest. Also the Stage Manager went into an American accent once the show began, but the Stage Manager kept taking us out of the play on purpose, so why have an American accent? I know it is set in America but it would just make sense to give the Stage Manager an accent from where they were putting on the show would it not? Also the Stage Manager and the two mothers are the only few whose acting I actually enjoyed. No one else really did it for me.


Oh Bath is a beautiful town with a weird name. Home to the old Roman bath houses there was plenty to do there. Now most may not know that the Romans, like how they did other places, invaded what we call Britain and claimed it as their own, and they built one huge bathhouse and then later peopled named the city bath, interesting right. Well we had to get there by train, and this was not my first train ride, my first was in Germany but that is a whole other story ending with us in another city and having to convince strangers to let us use their phones, but this train ride was super exciting because I really like trains (You can blame Harry Potter). When we get there a bunch of us were absolutely starving and so we went to an Italian pizza place where they told us that pizza wasn't super big, then it was, then I ate the whole thing by myself. Then we went into Bath’s cathedral (dad you would of loved it). Then we went to go get some candy. Not impressed, 3/10. Then we went to go see the Roman Baths, more expensive than I expected. It was very interesting though, the water was green, and we wondered why until like twenty birds decided to use the baths as their toilet at the same time, it scared me. Also you got to drink natural spring water that smells like egg, but I did not smell the egg smell, then filled a whole water bottle of it that I don’t want to pour out, IT’S NATURAL SPRING WATER! Then we sat in some grass till I got itchy and wanted nachos. We got back on the train and played card until we got home and got Tesco sandwiches, no we are gonna get well rested for our second FREE DAY!

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